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MA Research - Narrowing down my research aims

*This image will be used in my MA Research Methodology written assignment and my visual presentation.

After researching academic journals and websites, I have found a lot of designers that have been influenced by William Morris. The problem I have here is trying to decide which designer to research? Another question I have is how this is going to benefit me throughout my studies at Bath Spa University. The range of designers is too wide an area and will take much longer than I anticipated.

Is my other research question of 'Investigating William Morris's block printing methods' more appropriate. I think so, as this is where my interests lie, more than the influence he had on other designers. I can narrow the research down even further by looking at Morris' wood block printing methods from 1876 - 1886. This was when he was using the wood blocks for printing his fabrics and wallpaper.

I have decided to narrow my research down and continue to look at the wood block printing methods used by Morris. This may change again depending on where my research takes me.

( Jackson, 2015) writes in her article on block printing methods, that many artists have followed in the footsteps of William Morris. for instance: Peggy Angus with her raw and punchy block printing furnishing fabric and Katherine Morris who was one of Peggy’s assistants in the early 1980’s.Katherine uses lino blocks and emulsion paints to print her designs. Marthe Armitage also influence by William Morris designs using her illustrations of alphabets and garden landscapes.

When reading this journal, the methods of block printing used by these designers were more appropriate to my research than the designers that were discussed in the text.


Cole & Son (2015) Bespoke Service [Online] Available from: [Accessed 1 November 2015]. This image will be used in my MA Research Methodology written assignment and my visual presentation.

Jackson, L. Selvedge; Jul/Aug2014, Issue 59, p57-63. Chip Off The Old Block. Bath Spa University. [Online] Available from: [Accessed 29 October 2015].

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