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Acid Dyes - Shading

Following on from my last experiment using acid dyes for dyeing silk and wool, I have now used various recipes for dyeing light, mid and heavy shades on silk and wool.

Image: Samples of silk


1% - 10% Kemtex Jade acid dye samples

1.5ltr Water

6gm Ammonium Sulphate

5ml Levelling Agent


Successful outcome of samples of light, mid and heavy shades

Image: Light shades showing variation between different silks including, silk georgette, diana chiffon, raw silk, silk habatai.

Image: Light, mid and heavy shades are obvious in this image using Kemtex red acid dye.

Next Step:

Experiment with Reative, dyrect and dysperse dyes on various fabrics to determine shades and colours. Skills: dyeing textiles using the dye lab and it's equiptment.

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