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Creative Development (Drawing and Painting)

Drawing and Painting I painted several watercolour paintings from live flowers and experimented with mark making and colour mixing. I initially painted at A3 size which scaled up successfully but after a tutorial was advised to increase the size to experiment working at a larger scale. This was unsuccessful as the photo realistic paintings took too long to paint without becoming laborious. After speaking to my subordinates I corroborated that the smaller paintings can be scanned at their original size and enlarged using Photoshop at a high resolution without losing quality.

Allen, C. [Copywrite 2016] Orchids

Allen, C. [Copywrite 2016] Watercolour painting (first wash)

Allen, C. [Copywrite 2016] Watercolour painting ) applying fine details such as the veins, marks on buds and stems. Still only half finished.

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